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PACE Learning Program

An individualized, one-on-one program that will
give your child lifelong learning tools


PACE Program is a method of improving one’s ability to process and use sensory information to function well in everyday life. We have helped lot of students in improving their Learning abilities through PACE Training Program. Both PACE and LearningRx have the same basic procedures for training and reading. Following are some of the testimonials what other clients are saying about PACE Program:

PACE Training Program unlocked something wonderful in our son, igniting his confidence and motivation to learn!

Our son was having difficulty remembering and following along in class. He was falling farther and
farther behind, until we found PACE. The PACE training provider was able to identify the specific issues, and has special tools to unlock the cognitive skills that were lacking. Our son has shown unbelievable increases in comprehension, working memory, and auditory processing. He has so much more hope and motivation. The difference is incredible – almost like magic!

Gary S.

From C’s and D’s to Straight A’s!

When my child entered first grade, he was at a preschool reading level, two years behind his classmates. We started with PACE program, and it has been amazing. The results have been wonderful. He’s not only caught up, he’s ahead. Homework is no longer a fight, he isn’t stressing about school, and his grades have gone from C’s and D’s to straight A’s!

Janna S.

PACE training program made a world of difference!

PACE training program has made such a positive effect on our entire family. When we started training, my second-grader was behind academically, struggling with reading, writing, spelling and focus. Working with PACE program started to retrain his brain. I’m ecstatic to say, after a year of hard work, my son made honor roll! We are so grateful to have found PACE program!

Sharon K.

PACE training changed everything!

My daughter had trouble sounding out words, with processing speed, and with fluency. PACE training changed everything! Now, she actually enjoys her homework, and her grades are much better. She’s much happier and so am I!

Janet D.

We home school my son, and he struggles with auditory processing and dialects, so we were looking for a program to assist us. We were searching for solutions as opposed to just helping him with homework. I didn’t want him to continue to struggle.

When we first found a PACE training provider, we had an interview, and he was tested. The provider then presented their PACE program, which he’s now doing amazing with. He loves it! Since starting the program, my son’s memorization has gone through the roof. He even memorized all of the presidents! PACE program has helped retrain his brain and develop these building blocks; they’re helping him to absorb and to learn. They’ve figure out not only how he’s learning, but what styles of teaching work best for him.

My son is just now finishing up the PACE program and is moving into Master the Code, which teaches the code of our language. There’s so much to learn about our language, and Master the Code helps kids learn the mystery of it all. Now we can go to the library and say, ‘Hey this is his reading level,’ and he’s able to enjoy reading.

Shari M.

My nine year old daughter was struggling with reading comprehension and fluency. She would abandon books in the third chapter because the stories didn’t make any sense. She had a lazy eye so we had tried vision therapy, with some success, but something was still missing. As a teacher I knew that there was something I couldn’t give her to help her succeed.

My daughter was tested and her auditory processing was very low. After working to address auditory processing skills, my daughter’s reading comprehension and fluency improved. The training changed her into a confident reader and student. She’s a very smart girl and with the boost of auditory processing skills, she is now at the top of her class in reading. She took the state test for the first time this year and remarked, “It was easy!” I’m so fortunate we found PACE program for my daughter.

Joan M.

“We called PACE training “brain gym” in our family. Just as important as it is to work out our bodies to keep them fit and healthy, the brain gym served to work out our brains, making them stronger and able to process information faster and more efficiently. We could see by the use of assessments that were given both at the beginning and then again at the end, how effective the time was spent. We saw significant gains in reading speed, reading comprehension, and fluency.

Our children actually enjoyed coming to the brain gym. It was a very positive experience, it definitely was academic, but it was packaged as “one on one” logic-game playing– and they loved it! They especially loved the instructors who were always full of encouraging words and affirmation. We would highly recommend PACE!”

Sarah T.

“If you’re concerned about your child falling behind because of COVid’s impact on school instruction, go to a PACE trainer. I was worried about my two girls, kindergarten and 2nd grade. We could see our girls starting to struggle with reading and avoiding difficult tasks and homework. We wanted to be proactive and address the gaps before they became bigger issues, and we are so glad we did.

Our girls have loved brain training with their trainer, and we have seen leaps and bounds in their confidence, reading, and math skills. At parent/teacher conferences, both of their teachers told us how surprised they were with their gains and growth!”

Tracey S.

If you have a kiddo that struggles with learning PACE training is for them! I am blown away on the progress my son has made since starting the program. His short and long term memory has improved. Along with his comprehension and his pronunciation. I have sat in on 90% of the sessions and I found that my memory has also improved. This program is giving my child the tools he will need to be successful in life.

John K.

My daughter’s confidence has soared since completing her PACE brain training. After 5.5 months, my daughter made 3-6 years of growth in every area that was assessed!! As a teacher, I know what a tremendous feat that is. Her STAR score in reading is the highest it has ever been and she requires no help from me to independently do her work, even while virtual. The skills and growth she has gotten will have a positive impact on the rest of her life. It’s not possible to put into words what this has meant for me and my family. My daughter now has the confidence to do whatever she wants in life. With deepest gratitude,

Sheila B.

“There are no words to express how grateful I am for PACE training. Both of my children struggled with learning and school wasn’t easy for them. Our children are hard workers; however, they were working harder, not smarter. Because of the training that our children received, school has become much easier. They have been able to use the tools and skills they learned towards their school work and dealing with every day life situations. We drove 1 hour and 15 mins to drive to sessions. It was worth every mile and every minute we spent in the car to get to her. Don’t wait!!”

Lynn T.

“We had a wonderful experience with PACE program. My son was severely deficient in several areas. After 6 months of one on one training, my son is now working to his age level in almost every area. They took the time to really get to know my son and understand what his deficiencies were. They individualized the instruction for him so that each week, he was being pushed to work beyond his comfort zone. While this was difficult at first, he quickly began to see his own potential.

My trainer always took the time to talk with my son in a positive way that helped boost his self esteem and his confidence. We are so pleased with the final results. My son is much happier than before we started. He understands his own cognitive functioning skill set. He has a better sense of his own strengths and weaknesses, and how to work on those weaknesses so he is better able to handle academic difficulties. Overall, I can’t say enough good things about our experience with PACE training and would highly recommend it.”

Maria K.

PACE training is, hands-down, a recommended investment for learners of any age who seek to improve thinking/brain-based skills. This business has energetic, knowledgeable, and reliable educational trainers who adjust their styles to meet any needs. We enrolled our young son during the “school building closure” time this spring, due to our own worries about potential gaps in his learning.

The training gave him the skills he needed and supplemented traditional study techniques for ones proven to improve cognitive function and memory. It was exactly the bridge he needed. Now, as a young virtual learner this fall, he is excelling, and his learning did not skip a beat! He has gained confidence in his ability to read. We are so proud of the impact it has had on our child and see it in his learning, memory, and ability to use logic, every single day. Thank you!”

Sandra S.

“Our son was far behind in his reading abilities and he would break down or fully avoid doing anything he felt was “hard”. If he couldn’t do it right the first time, he just wouldn’t try. Now, he has the confidence to take on hard problems and work through them. He has learned skills to help his anxiety and strengthened cognitive skills so problems don’t seem so “hard”. His focus has also really improved. He would get distracted after just a few minutes of work. Now he can focus and work much longer. PACE program has made a significant impact on my son’s life for the better!”

Maria S.

For more information about providing Processing and Cognitive Enhancement (PACE), please call us at 1-719-955-6708. For information about local providers please call 1-719-264-8808.

Looking for a brain training franchise opportunity with business and marketing support? Learn about the LearningRx Franchise Opportunity.

Processing and Cognitive Enhancement - PACE strengthens mental abilities — the skills and tools we need to learn or work faster, easier and better.