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PACE Learning Program

An individualized, one-on-one program that will
give your child lifelong learning tools

Provider Comments

Comments from Doctors and Trainers

The PACE results are so outstanding and positive that I have sold my general practice to devote full time to the PACE program. I could not believe the results and feedback I got from parents, teachers, and the students. It’s the most rewarding thing I have ever done. The need for PACE cries out.
(Dr. Helms, IL)

The techniques are unique and work…it’s catapulted my results. I get more referrals and excited patients than through any other parts of my practice. Teachers and parents are amazed that we get more results in 3 months than they have seen in 3 to 4 years!
(Dr. Toler, NC)

I used some of the PACE procedures with my third grade class, and as a result, my kids took 5 of the 6 places for third grade in the state Math Olympics competition. My principal was amazed. PACE is the neatest program you could do. The results are incredible in such a short period of time.
(C. Tenpas, WI)

Students get dramatic results. Reading teachers couldn’t believe it until they saw it!
(Dr. Mastervich, PA)

The results are spectacular and the implication is easy and so turnkey. What a concept!
(Dr. Muris, CA)

The program and results are phenomenal. It’s the most exciting part of my practice.
(Dr. Lawless, MI)

The organization of the program is so great… it’s remarkable how we are able to reproduce the same great results with different trainers. We see results quickly – it’s unbelievable.
(Dr. Mailhot, ME)

There are many things you could do, sell, or make. Seldom do you find a product that is so needed, that is so good, and gets life changing results. PACE is the “Harvard” of learning programs. Each day I awake knowing that I’m doing something of great value that will impact my students the rest of their lives.
(K. Hanson, CO)

PACE and LearningRx have the same basic procedures for training and reading.

Click here for a PDF of our latest results.

For more information about providing Processing and Cognitive Enhancement (PACE), please call us at 1-719-955-6708. For information about local providers please call 1-719-264-8808.

Looking for a brain training franchise opportunity with business and marketing support? Learn about the LearningRx Franchise Opportunity.

Processing and Cognitive Enhancement - PACE strengthens mental abilities — the skills and tools we need to learn or work faster, easier and better.